The Pre-Market Environment closes the year with the incorporation of three new companies and one partner
15 December, 2020

- The three new companies in this acceleration programme are Dantia Tecnología, Gogoa Mobolity Robots and Club de Fútbol Intercity, and IEAF is the new partner
- In 2020, eight new companies and three partners have become part of this BME initiative
The Pre-Market Environment (EpM), BME’s programme to help Growth companies to access stock markets, adds three new companies (Dantia Tecnología, Gogoa Mobility Robots and Club de Fútbol Intercity) and a new partner (IEAF). Already this year eight companies and three new partners have joined this BME initiative, which seeks to guide companies on their way to the financial markets.
Dantia Tecnología, an Andalusian company that provides Cloud services technology, Cybersecurity and Information Systems Consulting in the areas of ERP, CRM, BI and AI. It has a portfolio of 600 clients and a team of 40 professionals.
Gogoa Mobility Robots is a biomedical company, founded in 2015 as a spin-off from Instituto Cajal (CSIC, dealing in the design, development and commercialisation of robotic systems (Exoskeletons) that incorporate Artificial Intelligence for neurological rehabilitation and mobility assistance. Its technology has already helped many patients to walk again.
Club de Fútbol Intercity is a football team from San Juan (Alicante), created in 2017 within the regional first division, which has achieved the third division after being consistently promoted year after year and whose objective is to achieve the highest category and make history as a club with a 2.0 management model.
IEAF (Instituto Español de Analistas Financieros) joins the Pre-Market Environment as a partner. It is a nonprofit professional association which, since its inception, has been very close to the Spanish stock exchange. It provides support services to Spanish financial analysts and other professionals whose financial activities are linked to research (advice, investment management, banking, business financiers and teachers that specialise in finance).
With these new additions, the Pre-Market environment is made up of 17 companies and 16 partners.
The Pre-Market Environment remains open to more companies on a continuous basis. Among the requirements to access the Programme these must be public limited or limited companies and at least two years old, submit their audited financial statements and have a three-year business plan.
Cuatroochenta, which joined BME Growth on October 22, became the first company from the Pre-Market Environment to take the leap to the financial markets.
More information about the Pre-Market Environment: